Paranormal Investigative Series

The world is splintered. Humans and Paranormals forced to live side by side, both hating the other. The agents of P.I.S. (Paranormal Investigative Services) are always facing new threats from kidnapped paranormal kids to someone murdering their kind for their abilities. Every case brings a new set of challenges these agents face with a little humor and a lot of tenacity.

Faeted Under Fire - Book 1

Tristan James didn’t know he had a latent paranormal gene in his body until he was attacked on the job as an officer and killed. As a phoenix shifter, he rose from the ashes and came back stronger than ever. Unfortunately, he was no longer human, this meant no job, no home, no friends. New purpose finds him with the help of a paranormal federal agency offering him a job. He has to put his own learned hatreds aside and accept the paranormals he was now one of.
Maddox Smith loved his job with the Paranormal Investigative Services. Someone is taking paranormal kids and he has no leads. When a recently turned human is booted from the police and brought to P.I.S., Maddox wants nothing to do with him. What had the humans ever done for their kind?
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Stitched Under Fire - Book 2

Paranormals left for dead, parts of them missing. When bodies start piling up, the agents of Paranormal Investigative Service quickly realize the killings aren't random and they are escalating.
They have to work quickly to stitch the pieces together if they want to stop the madman hurting their kind.
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Taken Under Fire - Book 3

In the aftermath of the devastating destruction that befell the city six months ago, an ominous shroud now looms over them. Paranormals are vanishing at an alarming rate. As fear and suspicion cloud the minds of the city's inhabitants, calls for drastic measures grow louder, igniting tensions between supernatural beings and humanity.
With the city teetering on the brink of an all-out war, the agents must act swiftly. They form an unprecedented alliance, uniting humans and paranormals in a new task force, breaking barriers that were once thought insurmountable.
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